Sunday, July 01, 2007 at 9:33 PM
Hello Everybody. =D
Youth Sunday was GGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAATTTTTTT! (: I hope to have more of it la. Today's service was also very meaningful. Hee. I liked it on the one section where they say, 'We arise and go forth because God's strength is poured out in us'. I believe so, because no matter how tired and sick of talking I was, God continued to give me the strength to go forward, to put in the effort to move on. It's really very amazing and unbelievable. Thank God for it. Hallelujah!
I dint do offerings today. Haha. Instead, I became befrienders and ushers. Not really ushers la, just shaking hands and saying 'Good morning' to everyone. I dont know why, I feel so happy and joyful. It's like my usual morning gloomy-ness sort of got out of me and was replaced with a joyful feeling to greet every single people Good morning. I find it so shocking. :D Thank God again for it.
My emotions of impatience and feeling easily irritated has soon gone down. & Im back to the real me. Haha. But there is still a little of it. Dont worry, with God's guidance, I'll change! (: So today everything went well. & I was happy la. Just that I felt the irresponsible-ness in me somehow because of the promise I made to Cj. I hereby take this oppotunity to say it here, ONCE AGAIN CJ, SO SORRY! ): Although he has like not take it to heart after hearing what I say, but i still feel that I dont have enough sense of responsibility yet. Hmmm, see, another problem. Zzz.
Anyway, Ming Jun was super noisy la. I wanted to listen to the sermon and everything but somehow at some point of time was interrupted by him! Haha. But it's ok, I did catch every word Pastor KY said. (: During the sermon, I had to have the mood of writing like super fast because I was so afraid that the powerpoint was clicked away fast! Haha. I know I need to just understand and write in my own words but still, I needed the correct ones. :D Then Desiree wore so nice la. Chioooooo ah~ hahaha. Same for the both marianne(s), evan, sean, duane and roy. All nice nice nice. Haha. Youth Sunday ma, must be proper.
Then I was also so happy and shocked to see so many coming to church today. It's surprising to see so many youths too because Pastor KY said that there were like a drop in number of youths. & I hope the new youths that came would like come on this coming Saturday. & the youth in KPC would increase again. :D Jiayou Jiayou!
Today went to catch Transformers with my class. It was TERRIFIC! I love it! Great movie again by Steven Spielberg. His movies are always so scientific and full of complexity and creativity. (: It goes the same for Transformers. Do catch it people! :D It was really cool to see those machines work, talk and be in action! Although everybody was tired, but we're all fascinated by it la. Only marianne. -.- Wanna sleep! hahaha. My favourite character in the movie was Bumble Bee. Haha. Bumble Bee was super cool in transforming and doing that 'scanner' thingy my friend said la. Sooooo cooooll~ If I have a chance to catch it again, I DEFINITELY WILL! Went back with Melissa and Ben taking bus 10. & I caught them in action of SLEEPING. Super funny. No offence to Melissa and Ben, but just look at how tired they were la! Rest well my friends (: Heeeee. Presenting Miss and Mr Sleeping Beauty! :D

Haha. So take care everybody. So sorry Cia that Im not watching with you. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix! With you! (: DRINK LOTS OF WATER PEOPLE, AN EVERYDAY REMINDER. But it sounds more like an ad. hahaha. Anyway, GOD BLESS YOU ALL! :D
Matthew 23:29 - Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
The Power of God:
With the Power,
From the Almighty,
Whose heart changes us,
& whose soul touches everyone.
Thank You Lord,
For thy love for us,
is inevitable and never-ending. (:
My self created poem! :D
The strong pull
brings me to the force
but what brings me back
is my heart.
离开 不会太悲伤
有些 心情该释放
直到 眼泪它 自己落下
现在 学着去遗忘
躲开 有你的地方
回忆 被谁放在书架上
把它从最高的地方 落下
感动越是深刻 寂寞就越伤人 Ho-Oh~
每个人的心里都会有一段 伤痕
像白纸的天真 反覆被你伤的好深
相爱不需要理由 离开也没有理由 挽留
现在 学着去遗忘
躲开 有你的地方
回忆 被谁放在书架上
把它从最高的地方 落下
感动越是深刻 寂寞就越伤人 Ho-Oh~
每个人的心里都会有一段 伤痕
像白纸的天真 反覆被你伤的好深
相爱不需要理由 离开也没有理由 挽留
感动越是深刻 寂寞就越伤人 Ho-Oh~
每个人的心里都会有一段 伤痕
像白纸的天真 反覆被你伤的好深
相爱不需要理由 离开也没有理由 挽留 HELLO! :D
Life has been good because it's A WEEKEND. :D Ytd was my chinese O level orals. Gosh, it was not really difficult or easy. But the only main thing was that I answered questions with English la! When I was speaking, I kept adding this, 'it's like'. Haha. Let's see how Im scoring. Anyway, after oral, chatted with my class guys. It was a nice chat with them (: It's like I never actually talked and chat with them seriously. They are actually nice people, although at times, being childish and speaking without thinking first. HAHA.
Life has been good because it's A WEEKEND. :D Ytd was my chinese O level orals. Gosh, it was not really difficult or easy. But the only main thing was that I answered questions with English la! When I was speaking, I kept adding this, 'it's like'. Haha. Let's see how Im scoring. Anyway, after oral, chatted with my class guys. It was a nice chat with them (: It's like I never actually talked and chat with them seriously. They are actually nice people, although at times, being childish and speaking without thinking first. HAHA.
Chat for quite a while and left with wein yeong. & I was speaking to him some stuff la. Telling him what he should do and what he should not. Im not sure if his willing to listen, but up to him (: Went back home, rest and changed. Was about to get ready to leave home when I received Kat's sms saying that she's sick so there wont be science tuition. I changed and bathe already! Haha. But it was ok la. In the end, I went to Cia's house to stay. After reaching, headed for the pool, & pooooofff we go swimming. Nice and relaxing! Miss swimming. Heard that at the swimming carnival, Xinyi & Enzio won the most number of medals. :D Brd's swimmers ah. Not bad not bad. Anyway, swam for an hour and Yi Mei came. So we went up and they had dinner. Yi Mei's so nice (: She bought food for us. Thks girl! After dinner, had chats and fun together. Haha. Girls time together.
Hmmm, I realized that sometimes people do not cherish the people around them. When things happen, they regret and want it back. But how can they stop it and turn back time? I dont know, if the problem can be solved, that will be good. But if it cannot be, then leave it to be. That should be the best way to accept it. (:
Had tuition in the morning and ended like late. So I rushed like mad la. Feeling so rushed and not in the best mood. My mother kept talking and talking to me, I was so rush and she still kept talking. & my phone was having low battery. Then, I talked differently to her. ): Sorry mommy. I let my own emotions take over me. I was so upset. Having a bad headache earlier too. ):
Service was at the sanctuary. Good service today on God's 300 men. (: From a big large group of 32,000 to only 300 men to fight with their enemies. God's power is just so inevitable and powerful. During worship, I felt so remorseful. On the things I've done, like what did I do to glorify God? Nothing. & Jesus died for my sins, for our sins. What did I deserve such good person to die for me? I felt sad, I almost cried. Those unwanted tears just cant seem to stop gathering and soon, it filled my eyes. Thank You my Lord, my Saviour!
Tmr's my class outing, to watch transformers. So sorry cia, Im going with my church friends. Thks for inviting too (: Bible study was great, but we had reflections. Dint manage to chat with Evan today! ): But still, there's tmr. Oh ya, tmr's our Youth Sunday. My first time encountering and going for such things. Cant wait (: Im gonna be ushers with the Sec 4s. My first time too. Haha.
I wonder why I ponder over things
which I should not
but I cant help it
I feel like screaming my lungs out
but can I?
I leave it to Him,
the one who bothers almost everything,
the one whose power is greater than anyone,
He will planned the route for me. (:
Suddenly, I feel as if Im being very impatient or easily agitated. ): I'll pray to God for help. I need some space for breathing. I seem to be breathless.
Anyway, all the best to those out there who are still having Chinese Oral, people like SY. JIAYOU JIAYOU! (: So here's something for us to learn. Check check check it out!
Surrending Everything
The only logical outcome of such love is to surrender everything to God. I believe that when someone falls in love with Jesus, it can be compared in some ways to a young man falling in love with a girl he has dreamed about all his life. The day they are married, he transfers his bank accrount and puts it in her name, and he takes out an insurance policy in her name. In other words, because he loves her, he gves her all he has.
A lot of Christians have trouble with this sort of teaching. Anything that invovles money or possessions is very sensitive, and I do not want to judge or condemn anybody. Christians have very different ideas about what is meant by 'stewarship' of money and possessions and what is meant by 'giving up everything'. One Christian will sell his home and give the money to missions or to the poor. Another will keep a beautiful home and use it to show others the gift of hospitality.
I am not saying that God cannot use your possessions for his work and for his glory, once they have been surrendered to him. But I am saying that we must first give all control of our possessions and our money to God. I know that it is difficult. Often we hold back because we have not yet learnt to trust God with our whole lives. It is easy to sing 'Jesus, I love you,' and hard to hand over a bank account. I believe that often those who hold back have not yet fallen in love with Jesus Christ. Once our relationship with him is right, we are no longer afraid of his control. Then we can lay everything at his feet.
The man who does not know the joy of giving has not yet begun to live, for it is, just as the Bible says, more blessed to give than to receive. It is a revolutionary principle of life that our greatest joys come from giving. It is completely contrary to our human nature. By nature we grasp everything to ourselves and we become the centre. But when we become Christ-centered, it is just a centrifugal force, like a whirlwind throwing everything outward and leaving Christ alone, our one supreme love.
'Love your neighbour as yourself,' said Jesus. And on another occasion he illustrated in the parable of the Good Samaritan who he meant by our neighbour as you care for youself. That is why you find it hard to take a piece of bread and sip a tea without a pain in my heart for those who have no food.
We who claim to have the truth, we evangelicals, we Bible-believers, have become hardened to the need of mankind. In recent years movements like 'Live Aid' and 'The Race Against Tie', which are not even specifically Christian, have overtaken many Christian groups in mobilising aid for the starving in Africa and Asia. Somtimes I feel ashamed of the complacency of Christians while these young people are making such efforts. If I asked you to distrubute leaflets and promise to give you five pence a leaflet, how many leaflets would you give out? If I said I would give you 50 pounds in cash for every person you bring to Jesus Christ, maybe you would be motivated to go out and tell others about the gospel a little more! Is this really the way we should react? We all know it's not. No one can put a value on a soul.
To be continued...
Im not done with this message, but it's a few pages long! haha. I'll post it tmr. (= Hope these enlightens all of you! =D Alright my friends, take care! CIAOS!
I need You.
I need You.